تضافر وسائل تعزيز القوة الإنجازية في مسرح بهيج إسماعيل (دراسةٌ في تحليلِ الخطابِ)
Jan 30 2024 7:50PM

عنوان البحث: تضافر وسائل تعزيز القوة الإنجازية في مسرح بهيج إسماعيل

(دراسةٌ في تحليلِ الخطابِ)

اسم الباحث: إسراء أحمد محمد على

Abstract: This study aims to reveal the means of boosting illocutionary force at the state of its combination, and support to do the function of boosting illocutionary force in Bahij Ismail’s theatre according to the mechanisms of discourse analysis in pragmatic linguistics. boosting illocutionary force is one of the two strategies for modifying illocutionary force in the theory of speech acts. The speaker adds linguistic and non-linguistic means to his spoken to booste its illocutionary force, and There is no doubt that this boosting comes for a purpose and goal that varies according to the context in which the discourse is delivered, the condition of the recipient, and his position on the discourse, In accordance with these contextual determinants, the speaker may employ multiple modalities of enhancement, strategically combining them to accentuate a form of aspirational elevation in firmly establishing, reinforcing, and affirming their propositions. This, in turn, positions these propositions as the focal point of discourse, fostering their assimilation by the addressee sans uncertainty or equivocation.



تقييم كفاءة توزيع محطات وقود السيارات فى مركز الزقازيق باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية
Jan 30 2024 7:47PM

عنوان البحث: تقييم كفاءة توزيع محطات وقود السيارات فى مركز الزقازيق باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية

اسم الباحث: محمد حسن عرفة

Abstract: The study aims to assess the adequacy of car fuel stations in Zagazig center in terms of their distribution and performance. This is achieved by examining their geographical distribution and spatial variations, utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach. The study primarily relies on Geographic Information System (GIS) technology for spatial analysis of car fuel stations, evaluating their locations and identifying the best suggested locations for establishing new fuel stations using the hierarchical analysis method based on planning criteria.

Key findings of the study include:

Spatial Variation: Car fuel stations in Zagazig center are unevenly distributed. Out of the total 31 stations, 20 are located in the rural areas, accounting for 64.5% of all car fuel stations in the center. The city of Zagazig, with sixteen districts, has eleven stations concentrated in only six districts, representing 35.5% of all car fuel stations in the center.

Imbalance between Stations and Population: The study reveals an imbalance between the number of car fuel stations and the population in districts and areas of Zagazig center. Some districts with a large population have only a few fuel stations, with ten districts and six areas completely lacking fuel stations, constituting 34.9% of the total population in Zagazig center.

Coverage Analysis: Using network analysis for station coverage, the study indicates an effective and equitable distribution of car fuel stations in the city of Zagazig and its adjacent villages. However, the outskirts of the center suffer from a shortage of fuel supply services, particularly along the Zagazig-Deirb Negm, Zagazig-Mit Ghamr, and Zagazig-Hihya Abu Kabir roads.

Location Suitability Modeling: Applying a spatial suitability model to identify the best locations for fuel station distribution in Zagazig center revealed that 12.7% of the total suitable area, covering 32.4 km², has a high suitability rating. Meanwhile, 87.1% of the total suitable area, encompassing 221.7 km², has a moderate suitability rating, and only 0.2% of the total suitable area has a low suitability rating.

روبوتات الرعاية الصحية المساعدة والتباعد الاجتماعي دراسة علي طرق تجنب مخاطر انتشار فيروس كورونا علي الطاقم الطبي بمستشفي ابوخليفة
Jan 30 2024 7:45PM

روبوتات الرعاية الصحية المساعدة والتباعد الاجتماعي دراسة علي طرق تجنب مخاطر انتشار فيروس كورونا علي الطاقم الطبي بمستشفي ابوخليفة

اسم الباحث: شريف محمد

Abstract: The entire healthcare system in Egypt has come under unprecedented pressure due to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus. This has led to an increased reliance on health technology, with a spotlight on electronic applications of social assistive robots. Moving forward, it is essential to explore how robotic technology can contribute to improving the quality of care in healthcare facilities. In this context, our research focuses on examining the interaction between individuals and smart robots in a long-term care facility during and after the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. The study draws lessons from patient examination processes, identifies ways to mitigate risks faced by the medical staff, and utilizes a survey and interview-based exploratory survey method.

The research was conducted in Abu Khalifa hospitals in Ismailia Governorate, involving medical professionals such as pharmacists, technicians, and nurses. A control sample of 30 individuals was selected due to the challenges of engaging with the entire medical staff. The study included four interviews within the hospital premises, along with observation. The results indicated that patients generally had a positive view of the examination robot. Independent examination using social robots emerged as a potential application in long-term care roles. Additionally, the findings highlighted the risks faced by the medical staff due to direct interactions with patients, including the potential for infection transmission to their families or becoming victims themselves. The study emphasizes the Sustainable Development Strategy (Egypt Vision 2030) aligned with the constitutional reference, emphasizing the right of all Egyptians to enjoy a healthy and secure life.



الرؤية الصحية لمصر 2030 وتحويل مستشفيات جامعة السويس لإحدى مستشفيات الجيل الرابع
Jan 30 2024 7:44PM

عنوان البحث: الرؤية الصحية لمصر 2030 وتحويل مستشفيات جامعة السويس لإحدى مستشفيات الجيل الرابع

اسم الباحث: شريف محمد

Abstract: The aim of the research is to present the health component in Egypt's 2030 development strategy and propose a conceptual framework for transforming the hospitals of Suez University into fourth-generation hospitals as institutions for medical higher education linked to the surrounding societal conditions. It evolves with the changes in these conditions and interacts with them, in light of the goals of sustainable development. The quality of healthcare services provided to individuals reflects the civilization level of society. To achieve the research objective, the health component of fourth-generation universities and their characteristics and requirements were reviewed.

A questionnaire was designed and directed to faculty members at the university hospitals of Suez University, with a total of 157 participants, utilizing the descriptive approach. The questionnaire aimed to explore their opinions on the availability of requirements for transforming university hospitals into fourth-generation hospitals in line with Egypt's future health vision. It included two axes: the first axis covered the availability of transformation requirements for fourth-generation universities, encompassing education, community service, community partnership, innovation development, competitiveness, transparency, comprehensive quality, responsiveness speed, and tangibility.

The second axis focused on the availability of requirements to achieve the goals of sustainable development according to Egypt's 2030 vision in the hospitals of Suez University. This axis included sustainable development goals such as improving the quality of the medical education system in line with global standards, enhancing the competitiveness of general education systems and medical outcomes, providing access and empowerment, and streamlining the examination, diagnosis, medication, and follow-up processes for patients. The results indicated the need for a condensed time frame for examination and diagnosis, medication dispensing, and patient follow-up, as well as the presence of experiential medical education from the first year of study, involvement of the medical support staff in decision-making, and the separation of administrative and medical treatment aspects

اتجاهات القائمين بالاتصال بالمراصد الاعلامية الدينية الرسمية نحو توظيف المحتوى الرقمي في رصد ممارسات العنف ضد المسلمين بالخارج
Jan 30 2024 7:42PM

عنوان البحث: اتجاهات القائمين بالاتصال بالمراصد الاعلامية الدينية الرسمية نحو توظيف المحتوى الرقمي في رصد ممارسات العنف ضد المسلمين بالخارج

اسم الباحث: آية غريب

Abstract: The study aimed to monitor the trends of communication officials in official religious media observatories towards utilizing digital content to monitor acts of violence against Muslims abroad. This was achieved by examining the sources relied upon in monitoring these practices, identifying the distortion aspects of far-right parties in portraying Muslims to Western societies, clarifying the level of integration between the platforms of official religious media observatories in disseminating their digital content. Additionally, the study sought to understand the impact of employing digital content in the monitoring process and explore the attitudes of communication officials towards digital content management through various skills (personal and informational) within the framework of the digital transformation theory.

The researcher adopted a survey methodology, conducting field research on a sample of 195 communication officials affiliated with official religious institutions' media observatories. The study findings revealed that research centers were at the forefront of the sources relied upon in monitoring acts of violence against Muslims abroad, with a percentage of 81.5%. Furthermore, the study found no significant differences in the average scores of communication officials' evaluations of the level of integration between observatories' platforms in disseminating digital content based on their level of experience.


Jan 30 2024 7:40PM


اسم الباحث: علياء حمدى أحمد البدرى

Abstract: By the end of the 15th century, the Kingdom of Castile began expeditions to Africa by order of the Catholic Monarchs, which resulted in the establishment of Spanish colonies in the continent. The missionaries who accompanied the expeditions taught the Spanish language to the indigenous people, so they began to use it along with their tribal languages and continue to use it to this day.

This use gave rise to the birth of Equatoguinean literature in Castilian in the mid-20th century. The objective of literature in the Spanish language in Equatorial Guinea was initially to transmit to readers in the metropolis an exemplary image of colonialism in Africa. It was limited to Spanish writers or pro-colonial writers.

But with the independence in the 1960s, the situation worsened due to imposing a total censorship on all literary practices. However, this situation did not last long, since there was a military coup against the then president of Equatorial Guinea, Francisco Macías Nguema. The period following the coup witnessed a great progress in literary production written in Spanish, despite the obstacles it faced.

With the spread of the Internet, literature written in Spanish by Equatoguinean writers began to flourish and spread, whether throughout their country or Europe.

Topics such as exile and the experience of immigration are major themes in the literature of Equatorial Guinea written in Spanish.


تأثيرات الدراما الرقمية على المنظومة القيمية للشباب المصري (دراسة ميدانية)
Jan 30 2024 7:40PM

عنوان البحث: تأثيرات الدراما الرقمية على المنظومة القيمية للشباب المصري (دراسة ميدانية)

اسم الباحث: غادة محمد أحمد النجار

Abstract: With the technological advancements that accompany the modern era, various types of network dramas have emerged, especially those presented on digital platforms that serve as efficient content-sharing networks based on internet technology. These dramas have gained popularity among the youth due to their easy accessibility through subscriptions or for free. Additionally, they offer engaging and high-quality dramatic content.

As communication methods have evolved into the form we see today, they have become the focus of researchers, particularly concerning their various effects, especially on dramatic productions. Dramas hold a special place among other media materials because their media value lies in their ability to convey ideas reflecting different concepts and influence the audience indirectly.

Recently, it seems that network dramas have started to dominate mobile phone screens, becoming widely popular as an alternative to traditional television and a strong competitor. They stand out by offering a library of movies and series without interruptions of advertisements, available in any language and with high-quality features. Moreover, viewers can binge-watch content consecutively, allowing them to finish an entire series in one day. Network dramas also transcend national boundaries, presenting dramatic works from all around the world. These points, along with other reasons highlighted in previous studies, will be discussed in detail in the following pages.

معالجة الدراما المصرية لقضايا الإرهاب والتطرف وتأثيرها على اتجاهات الشباب: دراسة سيميولوجية
Jan 30 2024 7:38PM

عنوان البحث: معالجة الدراما المصرية لقضايا الإرهاب والتطرف وتأثيرها على اتجاهات الشباب: دراسة سيميولوجية

اسم الباحث: منال محمد عطية سالم الحداد

Abstract: Humanity has known violence and terrorism since ancient times, accompanying various forms of conflict between ideologies, wills, and ethnic groups. Terrorism is a phenomenon encompassing numerous dangers to individuals and society, spreading fear, terror, and dread among individuals. It threatens the security of individuals and communities, undermines the authority of the state, portraying it as incapable of protecting safety and stability in society. Additionally, terrorism results in material losses through acts of sabotage or destruction of public facilities and private properties.

The phenomenon of terrorism is complex, with interconnected causes. Like other societal phenomena, terrorism has its reasons and triggers. In light of its increasing prevalence, there must be a unified policy and organized strategy to reduce it and its effects. For this strategy to be meaningful and beneficial, it should not be limited to strict punitive legislation alone. It has been proven that such a solution alone is not sufficient to achieve the desired goal. This emphasizes that terrorism cannot be overcome unless it is comprehensively addressed by eliminating environmental factors and personal motives that drive the commission of terrorist acts.

Egypt has witnessed numerous prominent terrorist events, whether executed against politicians and prominent figures in society or targeting military personnel and vital infrastructure. Among the notable incidents are the assassination of Ahmed Maher, the Prime Minister of Egypt, in 1945, the assassination of Judge Counselor Ahmed al-Khazindar in March 1948, the assassination of Mahmoud Fahmy al-Nokrashi, the Prime Minister of Egypt, in December 1948, the Military Technical College incident in April 1974, and the most prominent incident, the assassination of former President Mohamed Anwar Sadat in October 1981.

أثـر المستحدثات التكنولوجية فى تصميم المواقع الأجنبية للصحف المصرية وعلاقتها بيسر استخدام الصفوة لها
Jan 30 2024 7:37PM

عنوان البحث: أثـر المستحدثات التكنولوجية فى تصميم المواقع الأجنبية للصحف المصرية وعلاقتها بيسر استخدام الصفوة لها

اسم الباحث: هيثم خطاب

Abstract: The main objective of the study is to observe the relationship between the impact of employing technological innovations in the design of foreign-language electronic newspapers' websites in Egypt and the ease of use for their elite readership. This study falls under the category of field descriptive research, utilizing a sample survey methodology. The study sample consists of a purposive sample of (148) individuals from the elite group (academics and journalists) who use these websites. The goal is to assess the ease of use. The study employed a questionnaire as a data collection tool to survey the media audience of the elite group (academics and journalists).

The study concluded several results, including:

The overwhelming majority of the elite (84.6%) show interest in following foreign-language electronic websites of Egyptian newspapers, while a percentage of (15.4%) indicated that they do not follow these websites.


The majority of the elite agree on the ease of using foreign-language electronic websites for Egyptian newspapers and find no difficulties in accomplishing tasks on these sites. A high percentage (92.6%) believe that using these websites is easy and does not pose any challenges for users, while a smaller percentage (7.4%) find them extremely difficult to use.

الرؤى المنامية وأثرها في البعثة والمغازي
Jan 30 2024 7:35PM

عنوان البحث: الرؤى المنامية وأثرها في البعثة والمغازي

اسم الباحث: خديجة سعيد الغامدى

Abstract: This research elucidates the significance of visions in the minds of people in general and Muslims in particular, highlighting the visions witnessed by the Prophet and those around him. These visions have become beacons that guide the community through times of strength and weakness, serving as both glad tidings and warnings. Visions played a substantial role in consolidating the community, as they are considered a part of prophethood and are sources of encouragement.

The study emphasizes the importance of diligently understanding and acknowledging visions, as they can be relied upon in matters of Islamic jurisprudence. They are not merely baseless assumptions but are considered valid and acceptable as long as they align with established principles and general rules.


Several noteworthy visions occurred after the Prophet's migration, impacting the events of his campaigns. For instance, during the Battle of Badr, visions such as those of Atika bint Abdul Muttalib and Juhaym bin Asalt had a significant influence, contributing to the hesitation of the disbelievers and boosting the morale of the Muslims, ultimately leading to victory despite their numerical disadvantage. Moreover, there were visions before the Battle of Uhud that foreshadowed the severe tribulation the Muslims would face due to their defeat in Uhud.

Additionally, the Prophet had visions before the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, providing glad tidings of victory and spoils. In conclusion, the visions of the prophets are authentic and integral to prophethood. The Prophet's method of seeking and confirming visions serves as evidence of their importance and their impact on the psychological resilience of the community, steering them away from defeatism.

تأثير البيئة والفنون على تاريخ العمارة الاسلامية في العصر المملوكي فترة حكم المماليك الجراكسة "البرجية" (784-923 هـ / 1382-1517م)
Jan 30 2024 7:33PM

عنوان البحث: تأثير البيئة والفنون على تاريخ العمارة الاسلامية في العصر المملوكي فترة حكم المماليك الجراكسة "البرجية" (784-923 هـ / 1382-1517م)

اسم الباحث: شريع سعيد على الشهرانى

وسائل التعذيب في العصر الأيوبي
Jan 30 2024 6:59PM

يعتبر التعذيب من أفظع انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان، وهو موضوع مهم يستحق الدراسة والبحث لما يترتب عليه من آثار جسدية ونفسية خطيرة. ومفهوم "التعذيب" معروف منذ القدم، ويمارسه أصحاب السلطة والسلطة لانتزاع اعترافات أو معاقبتهم على أمر معين. في الأيام الأولى للدعوة الإسلامية، أخضع كفار قريش المسلمين الجدد، وخاصة المستضعفين والضعفاء، للتعذيب لإجبارهم على ترك الإسلام. واستمرت حالات التعذيب في العصور الإسلامية اللاحقة بعد العصر النبوي، حتى العصر الأيوبي. وعلى الرغم من إنجازات السلاطين الأيوبيين، إلا أنه كانت هناك حالات تعذيب في هذا العصر.
يهدف البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على أبرز أساليب التعذيب في العصر الأيوبي من خلال المصادر التي ذكرت هذه الأساليب، والتي غالباً ما تؤدي إلى وفاة المعذبين أو معاناتهم الطويلة لغرض محدد. كما تهدف الدراسة إلى توضيح مصطلح "التعذيب" وتوضيح الفرق بين "التعذيب الجسدي" و"التعذيب النفسي".
وتكمن أهمية هذه الدراسة في تسليط الضوء على الجوانب المظلمة في العصر الأيوبي، والتي تجلت في المصادر التاريخية المعاصرة من تلك الفترة الزمنية. وقد اقتضت خطة البحث لهذا الموضوع البدء بتعريف تمهيدي لمصطلح "التعذيب" ومناقشة موقف الإسلام من التعذيب. ثم تناول البحث أساليب التعذيب بعد تقسيمها إلى محورين: التعذيب الجسدي، والتعذيب النفسي.

الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي